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Recruitment for Tech & Finance

Real Connections, Zero Faff.

Recruitment for Finance &

Why us?

Superior  Talent. 

We’re a London-based recruitment business specialising in tech and finance.


  • We're young business but we're experienced recruiters - we've delivered 100's of impactful hires in the industries we're passionate about.

  • Our product is the people we introduce and the service we deliver. 

  • We're light touch, non-invasive and we deliver. 

Recruitment for Finance &

Full disclosure

There are over 30,000 recruitment agencies in the UK(.....Let that sink in)


​But 25.7million staff are placed each year by UK recruiters (that’s 833 placements per agency. Yikes!)

So, why ANOTHER one?

Many recruiters prioritise quantity over quality, punt unrealistic timelines, treat candidates like commodities, and often don’t understand your vision, goals and how this candidate will help achieve them.

We're no corporate machine..

​We're a young business BUT we're experienced recruiters, we know what good looks like and we love what we do!


What do we mean by....

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